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Introduction to Course Choice

Session 2024 - 2025

Welcome to the Course Choice section of our website.  Within this area you will find information relating to personalisation and choice within the S3-S6 curriculum.


The choices made in the senior phase can have a huge impact on the destinations for pupils after their school career. As such, making an informed and sensible selection is vital. Below, you will find a number of documents to help you and your child make the right choice.

S1 & S2   

33 Period Week


s2 into S3

Course Choice Coulmns

This document shows the subjects in each of the S3 course choice columns.  One subject should be chosen from each column.

Current S2.jpg

s3 into S4

Course Choice Coulmns

Pupils currently in S3 have already begun studying towards 9 National 4/5 courses (including Scottish Studies).  They will continue to study English, Mathematics or Applications of Mathematics and 4 out of the additional SCQF subjects chosen in S3.  Where possible, pupils will also continue to work towards an SCQF level 5 qualification in Scottish Studies.  


In addition to subjects studied in school, pupils moving in to S4 can now pick up a Friday College Course offered by Dundee and Angus College.  These courses usually run at the D&A Arbroath Campus with transport to and from the college organised by Angus Council.  Course information for all D&A college courses can be accessed using the link at the bottom of this page or using the dropdown menu at the top of the page. Pupils are expected to catch up on any school work which is missed.


In the course choice form, pupils will be asked to:

1. Identify the two SCQF subjects that are not being continued in to S4

2. Identify which college course, if any, that they would wish to study.


An additional college course, Horse Care NPA Levels 4 or 5 is offered through Borders College.  This course is taught by Scottish Racing Academy tutors on Friday mornings.  Please view the video presentation for more details.   

S4 into S5 / S5 into S6 

Course Choice Columns

A wide range of school and college courses are available to our young people as they move through S5 and S6.  These include SCQF level 4, 5, 6 and 7 courses, D&A College courses on Monday/Wednesday afternoons or Friday mornings as well as a range of wider achievement options for S6 pupils. 


Pupils in S5 are expected to select one subject from each of the timetable columns and may select an additional Friday college course including Horse Care NPA Levels 4 or 5. 


Pupils in S6 are expected to select a minimum of 4 subjects from across the school and college course offer.  Some SCQF level 7 Advanced Higher courses are offered by the Tayside Regional Improvement Collaborative (TRIC) or Angus Collaborative.  These courses are taught through online learning delivered by secondary school teachers.  More information about TRIC courses can be obtained by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page. 


Acting and Performance NPA

Art and Design National 5

Administration & IT N5

Art and Design Higher

Administration & IT Higher

Art and Design Advanced Higher


Biology Advanced Higher 

Biology N5

Business Management N5

Biology Higher 

Business Management Higher

Chemistry National 5

Chemistry Higher 

Chemistry Advanced Higher

Classical Studies National 5 

Classical Studies Higher

Computing Science National 5 

Computing Science Higher 

Design & Manufacture N5

Drama N5

Design & Manufacture Higher

Drama Higher

Engineering Science N5

English N5

Engineering Science Higher

English Higher

English Advanced Higher

Environmental Science N5

Environmental Science Higher

Fashion & Textile N5 & Higher

French National 5

French Higher

Geography National 4/5

German National 5

Graphic Communication N5

Geography Higher

German Higher

Graphic Communication Higher

Health & Food Technology Higher

History Higher 

Human Biology Higher

History National 5 

Horse Care

Laboratory Science Skills N5

Manicure & Pedicure NPA

Maths All Levels 

Maths and Application of Maths 

Modern Studies National 5

Modern Studies Higher

Music National 5 

Music Higher

Photography NPA

Physical Education National 5

Physics National 5

Practical Cookery

Practical Metalwork National 5

Photography Higher

Physical Education Higher

Physics Higher

Physics Advanced Higher

Practical Electronics National 5

Practical Wordwork National 5

RMPS National 5

RMPS Higher

Spanish National 5

Spanish Higher

Technical Theatre NPA

NC Units 

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