We are preparing young people for success now and in the future by developing skills and values through inspiring learning and teaching in a nurturing and supportive environment.
Welcome to our Rights Respecting School
This year Monifieth High School has been working towards recognition as a Rights Respecting School, working with UNICEF to educate pupils and staff on children's rights and how to put them into practice every day. The Rights Respecting Schools Award (RRSA) recognises achievement in putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) at the heart of a school’s planning, policies, practice and ethos.
A rights-respecting school not only teaches about children’s rights but also models right and respect in all its relationships. This means that the whole school community will learn about rights, pupils will be involved in decisions about their school and the school community will have the knowledge to take action on standing up for rights of children across the world.
We are very happy to announce we have been awarded our Bronze Badge, and are currently working towards our silver.
A Right's Respecting School doesn't just benefit the school, it makes a positive impact on the whole community.
Children are healthier and happier
Children feel safe
Children have better relationships
Children become active and involved in school life and the wider world.
Click here to find out more about Rights Respecting Schools.
What’s happening in MHS?
Updates and events from our RRSA pupil focus group
Article of the Term for pupils, staff and parents
Opportunities across the school that are making sure rights are being met: Learning Council, Pupil Leadership Team, Charities Team and extra-curricular clubs
Events linked to raising awareness of children’s rights across the world.
UNCRC is being taken into account when making school policies i.e. Anti Bullying etc.
UNCRC Articles highlighted in Tweets and on displays around the school.
How can you get involved?
Look out for our Article of the Term for all pupils, staff and parents and take part in the activities offered.
Article of the Term