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The PCS team have an open door policy and are located at a busy intersection of the school. We are housed in our own corridor with a Social Education room and various side rooms which provide areas to meet with pupils. There are three houses (Panmure, Dalhousie and Balmossie) and each house has 2 PCS teachers who are linked to a Depute Head Teacher.


Various partners also work within this corridor including the careers adviser, school nurse service, educational psychology and other partners. Pupils are encouraged to self-refer when they are in need of support but robust monitoring and tracking processes also mean PCS staff may identify potential areas of concern and may discuss possible supports with your child or contact home to discuss these with you.

Classroom Lecture


The purpose of form time is to support and build positive relationships with each and every member of the form class.   It allows for a form tutor to meet with the same class every day and provide support around attendance and wellbeing.  The Form classes are in House zones so the child's guidance teacher will be on hand to check in with their classes. 

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