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Monifieth High School is committed to supporting its young people and their families in a variety of ways.   We have several staff members who work together to achieve this including Olive Wainwright PT ASN, Laura Anderson PT Heart, our Family Learning Champion Gemma Chapman, Resource Worker Claire Morrison and Lisa Herbert, PT Pupil Care and Support.  


Please see the link below to Connecting Parents Angus which includes a wide array of links to websites and information on how to refer into services which support wellbeing and offer financial information and advice.  This includes partners we work with in the school such as Penumbra, Hillcrest Futures, Place2be, Young Carers, Maximise Angus and Social Security Scotland.    


These partners attend many of our school events and can provide free, confidential and impartial advice.  We will advise of their attendance prior to any event and offer an opportunity to secure an appointment if required. 


This site also contains information on how to apply for Free School Meals, Clothing Grants and Educational Maintenance Allowance.  

School Resources

Every pupil who accesses free school meals can request a free school hoody at the start of the school year.  For all pupils there is also the option of accessing further school resources such as PE kits, scientific calculators, stationery, revision guides and chrome-books.    

We also have a stock of pre-loved hoodies and revision guides available for collection from our reception. These hoodies can provide families with a valuable ‘spare’ and means less of our uniforms end up in landfill so please help yourself if you are passing. There will also be a stall at every school event so please help yourselves to anything we have.  


If you would like to request any materials from our School Resource Bank, please fill in the form below:   


Opportunity Fund 

As part of our Pupil Equity Funding, it is our goal to ensure that no pupil misses out on valuable extra-curricular opportunities as a result of financial pressures. These experiences are so important to a young person’s development and are central to their sense of belonging in the school community.  


Our Opportunity Fund is funding that can be accessed on request. Each extra-curricular activity or event will be advertised through the usual channels but will have a Glow form attached via a link or QR code which will allow a parent/carer to request financial support for their young person to attend. 


​​​​​If you would like your young person to attend an activity or event but have been unable to request

funding, please contact Lisa Herbert on  


If you would like to apply for support for your a pupil to attend school trips or events please use the

following link;


Opportunity Fund - application form 


Breakfast Club

We currently have a Breakfast Club serving free drinks and an array of breakfast items including cereal, toast, cereal bars and fruit which is available from 8.30am in C51 (Home Economics).    


Breakfast Bars are also available in the Library, Learning Zone, Guidance Base and in Claire Morrison’s office. 


These provisions are OPEN TO ALL and pupils can either ‘grab and go’ or ‘stay and socialise’.

Targeted Support Group 

At Monifieth High our goal is to ensure equity and inclusion is at the core of everything we do, and we are committed to working with parents and carers to ensure all our young people thrive. As such, we monitor and track all pupils, offering more targeted support to young people who may require this.  


We offer targeted support to pupils who are care-experienced, young carers, in receipt of free school meals, live in SIMD 1 or 2, are supported by social work or have experienced a traumatic event such as bereavement.  


This ensures that these young people's progress is monitored closely in each of their subject areas and - if support is required - it is made available to them as a priority to ensure they meet their potential academically and their health and wellbeing is supported.  This is coordinated by Nichola Randles (English Teacher) who works alongside the guidance team.  


If you feel your child meets the criteria to be included in this group and you have not yet been contacted, please contact their Pupil Care and Support Teacher. 

Supporting Attendance 

We are aware that many of our young people are coping with a range of challenges in their lives - as are families - which are impacting upon a young person's ability to attend school.   As such we are working with a variety of partners, including Educational Psychology, to ensure our pupils are supported to achieve their best.    


Attendance is monitored throughout each academic session and contact will be made with home at key points in the year to highlight any concerns.  Our Pupil Care and Support team and Additional Support Needs team work closely with families and young people who may be experiencing barriers to attendance to provide, or signpost to, the appropriate support.     


If you would like any further information about the support available, please contact your young person's Pupil Care and Support teacher in the first instance.  In the event of absence please ensure the office is contacted on 01382 768100.  

Don’t miss out on Child Benefit

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